Lesley University Study Abroad Program

The Lesley University study abroad program provided valuable service-learning opportunities to students and locals.

Established in 1909, Lesley University is a private university based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In order to get the most out of a new course titled “Global and Comparative Education,” a study abroad component was built into the curriculum. The course took place on South Andros Island and we were happy to host these guests.

Learning Activities

Two professors led a group of undergraduate students on the trip to experience local culture and schooling. The students participated in activities including the following:

  • Observe the local educational approach in Bahamian schools
  • Engage in guest teaching
  • Organize a school library
  • Facilitate a teacher education workshop
  • Explore the connections between culture, race, gender, dialect, and class in their experiences
  • Study local schooling issues and international trends using ethnographic research and comparative education methods

The group returned to the United States with valuable insights and experiences to share. By engaging in hands-on learning and immersing themselves in the local culture, the students gained a deeper understanding of global education and the unique challenges faced by different communities around the world.